Are You setting Your podcast up for success?

WHAT IF YOU COULD HAVE A PLAN that makes podcasting easier?

Most online business owners, coaches, consultants, and service providers have a podcast but they podcast without a plan! When this happens, you aren’t maximizing your podcast and how it can actually work for your business. SO let’s make a plan!

 Podcast Goals and Annual Planning Workshop is for online business owners, coaches consultants, and service providers who have a podcast and want to create a plan for their year so they can leverage their podcast for leads, sales, and marketing.

The truth is: Most business podcasters who have a podcast and try to get leads from their podcast never ACTUALLY MAKE A PLAN FOR HOW THEY ARE GOING TO GET THERE!

But I’m here to help!

Let’s create a plan and give you the framework to create a podcast that works for you!

 That's Why I Created the Podcast Goals and Annual Planning Workshop

for podcasters like you who want to make a plan for their podcast and how it is going to serve their business!

We will go over how to set goals, align your podcast with your marketing schedule and start a plan for your content. And it's not going to cost you $500!

 What’s Included

✅ Access to the Workshop (Value:

✅ Planning Workbook with exercises and templates to help you along the way (Value: $47)

✅ Podcast Marketing Hub Template – Airtable or Google Sheets to track your podcast audit, content calendar, social content, content ideas, and podcast metrics (Value: $47)




I’m a CEO who helps online business owners, coaches, consultants and services providers who have a podcast get to get clients from their podcast.
After 8 years spent podcasting and helping others with their podcasts, I’ve learned exactly how frustrating it can be to struggle with creating content and it not doing anything for your business!

Over time, I’ve learned how important a strategy is for your podcast so it can simplify content and generate leads and I can help you do the same.


 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Online business owners, coaches, consultants and service providers who have a podcast for their business and want to go into 2024 with a plan.

  • This is a replay of a live workshop. If you need live support, join the Strategic Podcast Academy at

  • Not satisfied with the workshop, send us an email

  • If you are wanting more personalized help, we recommend joining our monthly membership: The Strategic Podcast Academy OR booking a strategy intensive. Email us for more info.

  • Email us!

You’ve reached the end, but I have one final note for you!

Podcasts are a great way to build authority and get your voice out there. But as business owners, we need it to do MORE.

Your podcast shouldn’t be a time suck and should be attracting and converting your ideal client. This is where a plan comes in.

If you are ready to get your feet wet and start your journey to a strategically aligned podcast, this is for you.

See you inside!

✨ Your Podcast Strategist, Caroline